Monday, June 26, 2017


As many of you know, my family, like many of yours, was rocked when our mother received the diagnosis of dementia. I found support and understanding from a group of authors who were likewise affected by this disease. In some cases, it struck the authors' loved ones. In other cases, the author themselves were impacted.
My award-winning novel, "The Dragons of Alsace Farm," illustrates the impact dementia has on a 82-Y-O French WWII survivor named Agnes, and the people who love her. My mother inspired me to make Agnes a dementia sufferer so I could begin a dialogue about this disease. "Dragons" led me to find an extraordinary group of authors-- Alzauthors.
I'm now proud to be a member of this empathetic writers guild who write books about their journey with this disease. Some of the stories will make you laugh. Some will make you cry. All will touch you deeply and offer readers similarly affected a place to feel understood.
Alzauthors is hosting an book promo to make readers aware that such books even exist. I'm late in announcing this because I was on vacation, but I wanted to at least get this posted   Feel free to browse these books, or please share with someone you know who might find these books a comfort. 

Tuesday, June 13, 2017


Eighteen award-winning and/or bestselling authors decided it was time to do a book promo that honored fathers and father-figures in literature. 

From June 12-25, you can pick up eighteen wonderful family-themed novels about great dads or father-type role models during this "Because Dads Matter' promo. 

Each novel was personally selected by the bestselling and/or award-winning author behind the story.  While supporting great fathers, they also hope to introduce themselves and their work to new readers.

As an added incentive, eight $10 gift cards are also being given away! So fill that e-reader with stories of great dads, and find a new author that touches your heart.

"TAKE ME BACK" Historical Romance Promotion. Fill your e-reader and win gift cards!


This offer runs from June 10-30.

Eighteen authors are each offering one their favorite historical romances for free in exchange for the opportunity to meet new readers and introduce their writing to a broader audience. 

We're covering all the historical time periods, from Joyce DiPastena's medieval "Loyalty's Web," to Liz Adair's 1890's western romance, "Hidden Spring," and everything in between.

I'm offering "Dawn's Early Light" from my "Free Men and Dreamers" collection, detailing the burning of Washington and five families whose lives were torn apart by this British assault on America.  "Dawn's Early Light" is volume  in the series, but each volume is a stand alone read.

So pick up some new books by bestselling and award-winning authors and also enter to win gift cards to fill that Kindle!

Sunday, June 11, 2017

GIVEAWAY! Escape to Europe with Lisa Swinton's "12 Days to Love," part of the DESTINED FOR LOVE SERIES

Another great romantic series--DESTINED FOR LOVE--  written by a team of bestselling authors, is launching this week. Today, I'm introducing you to "12 DAYS TO LOVE," by RONE AWARD-winning author Lisa Swinton.

12 days...10...ports...1 soul searing kiss that will change her life.

Lily is free. Free from home. Free from work and everything she built the last eight years. And she’s scared to death. With her half of the Etsy business sold, Lily is persuaded by Maddie to take advantage of her windfall and go on a cruise around Italy, explore new possibilities, and meet new people, especially the male kind. Feeling as unstable as the waves rolling beneath the ship, Lily is reluctant to agree to a romantic flirtation, even with a man as intriguing as Zander. 

The cruise is supposed to be a fresh start for Zander and an opportunity to expand his freelance photography business. It also marks the one year anniversary of his fiancée’s death. All he’s interested in gaining from the experience is a larger portfolio, but finds himself irresistibly drawn to Lily, who looks nearly as lost as he feels. 

A cruise ship romance couldn’t possibly last, and yet how can Lily and Zander resist falling in love in the most romantic country on earth?

Books in the Destined for Love: Europe Collection
— Desperately Seeking Mr. Right by Sally Johnson 
— Meet Me At Sunrise by Lucinda Whitney 
—12 Days to Love by Lisa Swinton 
— Kiss Me in the Moonlight by Lindzee Armstrong 
— Never Trust the Rain by Laura D. Bastian

About the Author:
Award Winning Author Lisa Swinton caught the romance bug early by way of fairy tales and hasn’t been able to cure it since. Instead, she feeds her addiction with romance novels and films. In between being a doctor’s wife and mother of two, she occasionally puts her B.A. in Musical Theater to good use via community theater and church choir. In her elusive spare time she enjoys researching her family tree and baking (especially with chocolate). She loves to travel, Jane Austen, and all things Italian. In her next life, she plans to be a professional organizer.


FB Page:

Friday, June 9, 2017


The Dragons of Alsace Farm is touching the hearts of readers and reviewers. 

It has now garnered 67 Amazon reviews with an average of 4.75 out of 5, plus: 

*A Hungry Monster Book Award

* The New Apple Literary Award for Inspirational Fiction,  

* A Whitney Award General Fiction finalist status

And some more wonderful news arrived on Monday when InD'TaleMagazine posted their list of finalists and "The Dragons of Alsace Farm" made the list! 

Many thanks to all who've read, reviewed, and nominated "The Dragons of Alsace Farm" for an award. 

My heart is overflowing with gratitude for the way you have embraced this story. For those of you who may not know the inspiration behind the book, I invite you to visit this link

I've lowered the price to $0.99 until June 30th, when we plan to give the book a new cover and re-release it for summer. Paperback copies are also available. It would be my honor to autograph a copy for  you or for a loved one.

So Very Excited to Introduce You To Rone Award Winning-author DANYELLE FERGUSON'S Newest Release-- "ONCE UPON A WISH!"

Happy book birthday to Danyelle Ferguson and her new release, Once Upon a Wish. This book birthday is extra special, as it marks her 10th published book! #HappyDance And let me say that you are going to adore this story! Danyelle is a RONE Award-winning author, and this book feels like another contender!

A few years ago (Danyelle isn't divulging the exact number), she spent her senior year of high school as an exchange student in France. She lived on the coast, near the port of La Rochelle. The towers at the port marked her very favorite spot. She loved the cobblestone streets, the gorgeous architecture, and most of all, to look across the ocean, knowing that her family in Pennsylvania was just on the other side.

As a writer, one of her goals has been to write a book set in La Rochelle, France - and Once Upon a Wish made that dream come true. It's true that "Every dream fulfilled begins with a wish."

Be careful what you wish for . . .

Delphine Baudry wished to be a best-selling author, but now instead of celebrating and jumping into her next novel, she's frozen with fear. What if she turns out to be a one-hit-wonder? What if all her new fans hate the next book? To top it all off, she can't even discuss the situation with her favorite brainstorming partner, her mother, who is losing her memory to Alzheimer's. Taking a cue from some teens tossing Euros into a fountain, Delphine gives into some whimsy and wishes for her next book plot.

Jean-Paul Chassériau wished to start an online marketing company in La Rochelle. Now the real work begins. Feeling pressure to live up to his father's name in traditional marketing, Jean-Paul has a million ideas but no clients. When he finds a funky old Franc lodged between cobblestones near a fountain, there was only one thing to do. Make a wish.

When their coins collide, Delphine and Jean-Paul's wishes become intertwined, changing the course of their futures, and teaching them that wishes are sometimes fulfilled in unexpected ways.
Here's a teaser from the book:


Jean-Paul's fingers enveloped her tiny hand, but she returned the handshake with a firm grip. Small but confident. He liked that.

“My name is Delphine,” the woman from the fountain said. Her dog yipped from under the table, and she patted her knees. A scruffy ball of fur leapt up, then sat on her lap. Her dog was more black than the typical brown and white the Yorkie breed was known for, giving him a tough scrapper look despite his small size. “And this is Hugo, my ferocious guard dog. Say hello, Hugo.” The Yorkie tilted his head as if considering Jean-Paul, then lifted his paw to obey.

Jean-Paul took the tiny paw in his hand and shook it. “Very nice to meet you,” he said in a deep, serious voice. When he released Hugo’s paw, the dog’s tongue darted out and licked the side of Jean-Paul’s thumb.

“He likes you,” Delphine said, petting her dog.

He took her comment as a good thing and sat down in his chair.

“So, did I ruin your wish?” she asked.

Jean-Paul smiled. She liked to jump right to the point, no tiptoeing around. “No, not at all. I’ve never seen two coins collide like that.”

“Ah, but just because you haven’t seen it, doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened. Statistically, anyway,” Delphine said, picking up the cup and saucer, then sipping some chocolat chaud.

“I’m willing to admit the probability is non-zero, but I can’t imagine it would be very high,” Jean-Paul shot back, interested to see her response to his geeky comment.

“Tell me,” Delphine said, leaning forward, intrigue glinting in her eyes. “How many coins have you seen thrown into that fountain?”

He folded his arms and brought up one finger to tap his chin, going for a deep-in-thought pose. “You’re right. Maybe we should perform an experiment. How about we meet here again on Thursday?”

Ready to jump into Once Upon a Wish? Buy it on Kindle for only $2.99.

About the Author

Danyelle Ferguson discovered her love for the written word in elementary school. Her first article was published when she was in 6th grade. Since then, she’s won several awards and has been published world-wide in newspapers, magazines and books. She’s grateful every day to work in her dream jobs – author, editor, and nurturing her readaholic tendencies.

She grew up surrounded by Pennsylvania’s beautiful Allegheny Mountains. Then lived for ten years among the majestic Wasatch Mountains. She is currently experiencing mountain-withdrawal while living in Kansas with her husband and four angels-in-training. She enjoys reading, writing, dancing and singing in the kitchen, and the occasional long bubble bath to relax from the everyday stress of being “Mommy.”

Cyber Stalk Danyelle via her newsletter, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, Amazon, or her website

Friday, June 2, 2017


This post may help others better understand their loved ones struggling from behind the fog of dementia.

I've noticed that Mom has been announcing my arrival in a
strange new way recently. When I enter the room, she recognizes me, but she seems confusedly surprised when she looks at me, and she says, "You're my daughter Laurie," as if verifying her assumption.

I finally asked her, "Are you surprised to see me?"

She replied, "A little."

In the past, I assumed this was because she couldn't remember my visits once I left the room, but as we broke the ice with conversation, Mom seemed sad. When I asked why, she said her mother came into her room and was upset that she hadn't cleaned it. She still suffered over her mother's disappointment.

"How long ago did ago do you think this happened, Mom?" I asked.

"A few minutes ago." She was still very glum about the situation. I realized she was still living in another place, another time, and I wondered how seeing her grown daughter walk in when she was living in a moment of her own childhood would have affected her. I asked her, "How old do you think I should be, Mom?"

Her face twisted up. "About twelve," she answered more as a question than a statement. "Little."

"Does it seem weird to you to see your daughter all grown up?"

She shrank back into her covers and nodded. "Yes.

"And how old do you think you are?"

A moment earlier, she thought she was twelve too. She looks at me and begins processing memories of marrying, and having a family, including at least one grown daughter standing before her.

My brother and I have had to answer questions about Dad's passing dozens of times, as if she relives the first news of his death many times, but now I realize that she's living in a time warp daily, a strangle "wrinkle in time," a "Matrix" where one minute she's twelve, and a moment later she's grown and a mother, and an old woman a moment later, surrounded by photos and faces of people who were real to her a minute ago and then lost to her in an instant.

Some people listen to the ramblings of dementia patients and think they're crazy, but consider the mental gymnastics their mind is performing, the fight their engaged in to make any sense of all these simultaneous realities, and to come back to us in our time at all.

I hate this disease, but I now have a better understanding of the frightening, shifting world my mother lives in, and I can help her navigate better.

She wanted to be left in that bed and stare at me while we chatted. It took over an hour to get her to agree to sit and then stand, to shift worlds, so to speak, but once I pushed her mind to leave the comfort of the past, and reenter the present, we went outside and faced the glorious beauty yesterday offered. I don't know if it was the exercise pumping blood to her brain, or her sweet personality that couldn't bear to ignore my coaxing, but once she was outside she played bocci ball for two hours, she chatted with her friends, and she won the game!

I hope this helps you better understand your own loved one with dementia. I don't know how long I could retain my own sanity and clarity if I was flip flopping through time and realities this way. Don't discount how hard they are working to hold on to each moment in time. Start now formulating questions that help you gauge where their mind is, and find ways to gently nudge them back to the present.