Tuesday, October 26, 2010


A Widow's Mite

A Christmas Booklet by Christine Dymock

Most of us cringe at the appearance of Christmas displays while we still have Jack-O-Lanterns and skeletons lurking about, but let me suggest this sweet Christmas booklet by Christine Dymock to you early. It may be one of the best holiday tips you'll receive this season, because it may solve two of your holiday dilemmas--the selection of special Christmas cards, and ideas for small gifts to give to people who have touched your life this year.

A Widow's Mite is a beautifully written, and timely tale of a loving widow struggling to eek out a modest Christmas for her fatherless children when she happens upon an old friend whose circumstances are more dire than her own. Immediately, she is torn between carrying out her own meager plans for Christmas and the tug at her heart to help her friend's family.

Christine Dymock's tender short story provides an honest, refreshing treatment to this timeless theme. And while the message about the love of God is clear, it is served up so subtly that you almost feel as if you happened upon it on your own.

I became quite introspective as I read this little booklet. We are each in here. Either we see ourselves as the worried giver on a strained budget, or as someone with the potential to ease another's burdens. More than likely, we are both. Dymock says in thirteen pages what many require a hundred to convey.

At only $2.99, A Widow's Mite would make a perfect gift for the piano teacher, the babysitter who loves to read, or a friend who could use a lift. It makes the perfect vehicle to tuck your family Christmas letter or family photo into. While other cards get read and tucked into a holder, the recipient will carry this booklet in their hearts.

Woven into the story is a hint of a second storyline, adding an element that leaves you wanting to turn the page to read on, but alas, at thirteen pages, you'll have to hope Dymock carries her characters over into a novel. I'd buy it. I loved this little story.

Copies are available at cedarfort.com or at Amazon.com.

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