Interview with Rone awarding-winning author
Danyelle Ferguson
on life, and her newest release,
"Love Under Construction"
I met the effervescent, indefatigable Danyelle Ferguson several years ago while we were both attending the LDStorymakers' writing conference. At that time, she was co-authoring "dis-Abilities and the Gospel,"--a book on a subject near and dear to her heart, written to teach those who work with, and love, children with autism.
Danyelle is an amazing person who leads with her heart in whatever she does. She and author/husband John are a real love match, and their family is their treasure. Her hopeful attitude and life and people in reflected in her romance novels, like her RONE Award-winning, Sweet Confections." I'm delighted to share this interview Danyelle and I cooked up to introduce readers to her new series, Indulgence Row. The first book in the series, Love Under Construction, has just been released.

1. Danyelle, I love the concept behind the Indulgence Row series. How did you come up with that?
Every writer has a file of story ideas they brainstormed, then set aside as they worked on other projects. While I was working on my nonfiction projects about ten years ago, I brainstormed several fiction book plots I just loved. One involved a baker (Rachel & Graydon in Sweet Confections). Others included a hair stylist, a bookshop owner, a photographer, a dancer and more. But it wasn't until I came up with Charlee's story a little over three years ago that I realized I could connect several of the stories through her passion for renovation. I distinctly remember driving from Kansas City to Indianapolis with my daughter in car with me (we were driving to Pennsylvania for my sister's baby shower). Charlee's character popped into my head and as I developed her character, the idea of a street of older homes being renovated into a charming women's shopping district was born. I still have those original voice recordings and think it's fun to listen to how excited I was as plotted out Indulgence Row and the women's lives who would be weaved into it.
2. There’s a lot of construction info in your book. Was super awesome hubby John your technical advisor?
While my hubby is fabulous with a computer, the construction in LUC actually came from a mix of experiences and sources - growing up with a single-parent mom who took care of our home repairs, projects I've made or fixed up over the past two years, consulting with a home-builder, and a little internet research. Some of my real-life experiences even became the background story on a few projects. One in particular is a hutch mentioned early in LUC. Peter asks Charlee how she got such a great deal on it and she tells him about stopping at a garage sale, discovering the owner was deaf and using her rusty ASL skills to negotiate the sale. That actually happened! Only I had learned ASL recently, rather than in high school like Charlee. The owner was so excited to have someone he didn't need to write messages to or use his son as his interpreter, that he gave me a screaming deal on the hutch. Of course, it helped that it formerly belonged to his mother-in-law and he wanted it out of his garage where it was taking up space. I'm not sure if it was the ASL or the MIL connection that sealed the deal. =)
3. Congratulations on your RONE award last year. Tell readers about that wonderful experience.
Oh my goodness, it was truly amazing! The voting rounds were intense . . . or at least the waiting for the results was! When the finalists were announced, well, let's just say there were a few tears and yummilicious Chocolate Lava Sundaes to celebrate. The actual awards gala was incredible. Beautiful women in fancy dresses and sexy men in tuxes (an I'm not just talking about the cover models - my hubby was smokin' hot!). Receiving the gorgeous crystal RONE Award for Best Contemporary Sweet Romance from the talented Anne Perry was truly an honor. But sharing the weekend with my hubby, having him by my side, that was simply the best part of all.
4. What’s the title and premise behind the next Indulgence Row novel?
Falling Stars and Stolen Kisses is the next book in the Indulgence Row series. In Love Under Construction, you meet Charlee's best friend Mari, who left Kansas for the beaches of California and the opportunity to become a successful model. But life isn't perfect and some tragic events leave Mari heartbroken and on a journey to rediscover herself. Falling Stars and Stolen Kisses is Mari's story of returning to her hometown and confronting the final phase of her journey--including the man she left behind to pursue her dream of becoming a star.
5. Is there a writer you admire and emulate in your writing?
I adore author Kristan Higgins. Her books are funny, sassy, and with a touch of spice - my favorite relax-from-the-day treat. If there's anyone I hope readers will one day compare me to, it's Kristan.
6. What inspires and motivates you to write?
Music! I get so many story ideas from songs. Sometimes it's a character, other times it's a scene or tidbits of dialogue. These bursts of inspiration keep my inner-writer happy and reaching for my laptop. Plus my readers are amazing! I love their feedback when I post brainstorming questions for my books on social media. When I'm doubting my abilities, my readers messages give me that boost I need to keep charging through my rough draft or umpteenth round of edits.
7. Location and life experience can sprinkle their influence in my writing. Has that been true for you?
This is so true! I always fun real-life experiences into my books. In Love Under Construction, there's a scene where Charlee tells a little girl about the time she cut off her hair because she hated all the girl pageants her mom put her in. While the reason Charlee chopped off her hair is her own, the excuses she tells her parents and the hairdresser who fixes her hair are straight from my own experience with one of my daughters. The things I add are small, but they add so much depth to the story - at least for me. =)
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