Saturday, November 9, 2013


I've finished "The Dragons of Alsace Farm" and am now sending it out to medical/technical readers to make sure I have the psychological and medical scenarios right. While that process progresses I'm preparing my query letters for agents and researching agencies.

I've headed back to work on "The Shell Game" also, so the pistons are firing again.

My mother's struggle with dementia was the inspiration behind "The Dragions of Alsace Farm," and when I have her with me work stops so I can enjoy her and attend to her needs.

All in all, the year had been both amongst the hardest I've ever had, and the most spiritual. I have much for which to be grateful. And so I'm posting my Facebook gratitude posts on here as well. I was late getting started while I settled Mom back in, so I'm counting her and the time we get to share as my posts for the first week of November, but I'll posts the others as they go up.

I hope you have a marvelous autumn filled with blessings.


November 7, 2013

I'm so grateful for my family--for a gentle, hardworking hubby. When I get frustrated over small things I generally only need to remember one of the many sacrifices he's made for us to recall how blessed I am. I adore my crazy-funny kids whose solid lives bolster me, and my diverse grandkids whose interests expand my world in unexpected ways.
I've read your posts about your families, and marvelled at how wonderful most families are. What a grand plan, to come here and experience life in a loving circle of courageous support. Yep. Today, I'm grateful for families.

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