We've been counseled to "Seek ye out of the best books words of wisdom; seek learning, even by study and also by faith." -- D&C 88:118. Orson F. Whitney famously predicted that the Latter-day Saints "will yet have Miltons and Shakespeares of our own."
To that end, an organization was established to reward good, current LDS literature and to promote future authors in their efforts to provide readers with reading material that reaches a high literary caliber while promoting core moral and ethical values. It is called the Whitney Committee, and the Whitney Awards represent the most coveted acknowledgement of an LDS author's work.
To fund the awards, the Whitney Committee holds an auction/sale of items donated by the literary community. Please take a moment to visit the Whitney site at http://www.whitneybenefitauction.com/servlet/StoreFront, and peruse the list on the left column to see the autographed books sets and other items available. Some of these are a steal and would make wonderful, unique Christmas gifts.
Your support of the auction will help the committee promote and reward authors as they labor to produce uplifting, thought-provoking entertainment.
Thanks as always, for your support!
Whitney's rock!!!!