The words engraved on this monument touched me deeply as I stood outside the National Archives building: “The heritage of the past is the seed that brings forth the harvest of the future.” This building was the cherry on top of this trip

I know I’ve said it before, but a sacred spirit envelopes the places and documents of liberty. I felt it so strongly there, and I wasn’t the only one. A large group of well-dressed high school-age youth were in line ahead of me, waiting to enter the Rotunda where the documents are on display. They were talking and texting and flirting while the line inched forward, but as soon as they crossed into the Rotunda, a hush came over them too. They whispered their awe as they pointed to the signatures of Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Madison, Franklin and Hancock—men so revered they’re almost mythical. It was an incredible cap
On Thursday, I visited the Smithsonian Institute’s National Air and Space Museum on the National Mall on the day of the Space Shuttle Atlantis’s final touchdown, to speak with parents and youth about the significance of the end of the shuttle program and this date in aeronautical history. I walked away buoyed by their enthusiasm and vision of

I’ve been to DC many times with family, on school trips and with friends, but this was the first time I’ve ever gone alone, walking the city at my own pace, seeing whatever the spirit led me to. It was wonderful. I heard dozens of tongues and dialects spoken by diverse people from many lands, reminding me that Washington is a global city.

I was interviewing people, asking them about their impressions of the city when I saw this beautiful mother pushing a stroller with two children in it—a baby and a three year-old. I asked her what brought her to the city and she replied, “My daughter wanted to see where Barack Obama lives.” As they neared the gate and caught their first view of the south side of the White House, three-year-old Maya squealed, “That’s Barack Obama’s house!”

The other moment reminded me how interconnected we all are. It was blazing hot, and at the edge of the Ellipse a perforated hose

I turned to cross the street to walk to the Washington Monument a

I love this city. I love what it represents, and no matter what happens, the ideals are alive in America’s people and in the people who still look to that light on “the Hill.”
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