Sunday, November 24, 2013

Gratitude Post: "The Good Ole Days"

Tom's favorite station is Encore Westerns, ergo, we watch a lot of Bonanza and Gunsmoke reruns, and other fare where white-hatted heroes risk life and limb for noble causes like their sacred honor, the virtue of womenfolk, the good of neighbors and country, the family farm, and the local bank where all the locals' life savings is likely stored. They were simple themes that reflected the core values of America. They were the good ole days.

I read "Make Way For Ducks," with my grandkids and missed the scenes of a slower time when people sat on park benches and chatted in the sun, when a treasured toy was made from wood and powered by imagination, when you could have a blast with change pulled from between the lint in your pocket.

I imagine that our children and grandchildren will look back on these days in the future, and say, "They were the good ole days." So whatever your good ole days really are, I'm grateful for them.  They serve as a cultural barometer of where we are, where we're headed, and how we're doing. Memories of them promise that we can enjoy them again and again, because the core principles that fueled them are still within us.

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