Welcome to our second annual “Summer Treasure Hunt: Dig for Clues and Win” Contest!
Last year, Joyce Di Pastena and some of our other author friends put together a month long contest where we gave away a prize a day for the entire month of June. The contest was so successful that we have decided to do it again…only this time we’ve gathered together enough prizes to last through the first week of July!
Again, we have something for everyone: romance, fantasy, mystery, suspense, historicals, contemporaries, young adult and middle grade fiction, children’s picture books, and a variety of non-fiction titles. We also have some exciting non-book prizes: a hand crocheted book tote and cell phone case; a book/jewelry combo; a Mary Kay cosmetic assortment; a The Lion, the Witch, and The Wardrobe DVD; and (you aspiring writers won’t want to miss this one!) a free edit/critique for the first 50 pages of an unpublished novel by a three-time published author!
How can you enter to win one of these awesome prizes? Just follow the rules below!
You can send in an entry for each day’s prize, or only for those prizes that strike your fancy. The rules are simple:
(1) Go to the website or blog indicated for each day, find the answer to the question for that day, then email the answer with your name and AND MAILING ADDRES to
jdipastena@yahoo.com. I promise you will not wind up on any mailing lists. This is only to facilitate the receipt of your prize. All entries will be deleted at the end of the contest.
(2) Please send a separate entry for each day and type the day you are entering in the subject line. (Such as: Summer Treasure Hunt, June 1; Summer Treasure Hunt, June 2, etc).
(3) Deadline for each day: Midnight PST
(4) The winner will be contacted and announced on the day following the deadline.
All winners will be “drawn” by
You do not have to wait until the designated day to enter. You can start sending in your entries right now, or begin entering at any point along the way. And check back here each day between June 2nd-July 9th to read the names of the winners.
If you have any questions, feel free to email Joyce DiPastena at
And now…let the treasure hunt begin!
June 1
SPONSOR: Donna Hatch
PRIZE: Queen in Exile, (fantasy romance), autographed by author
QUESTION: The princess must rely upon her magic to save whom? (Hint: Look under “Bookshelf” tab)
http://www.donnahatch.net/OPEN TO INTERNATIONAL ENTRIES
WINNER: Amber Nielson of Vermont
ANSWER: Herself and her people from death and tyranny
June 2: SPONSOR: Laurie Lewis
PRIZE: Awakening Avery (women's fiction), autographed copy
QUESTION: Avery's signal that she isn't handling her husband's death very well comes to her when she tosses what into what? (Hint: Look under “Books & Reviews, then click on the cover to "Awakening Avery" and read the first chapter)
http://www.laurielclewis.com/USA ENTRIES ONLY
WINNER: Barbara Stilwell
ANSWER: The remote into the TVJune 3: SPONSOR: E.A. West
PRIZE: Riley's Mission (PDF: romantic suspense)
QUESTION: Where does Jade sit after she sees Aziz Khadoul? (Hint: Click on “Books” tab, then on “excerpt” link for Riley’s Mission)
http://eawest.mcphitty.com/OPEN TO INTERNATIONAL ENTRIES
WINNER: Judy Cox of Louisiana
ANSWER: An empty wheelchair
June 4
SPONSOR: Jenna Dawlish
PRIZE: Sprig of Thyme (Victorian romance), autographed copy
QUESTION: What is the name of the hero in Jenna's first novel Love Engineered? (Check out “The Library” tab)
http://www.jennadawlish.com/OPEN TO INTERNATIONAL ENTRIES
WINNER: Ginny Romney of Arizona
ANSWER: Charles Lucas
June 5
SPONSOR: Rachael Renee Anderson
PRIZE: Divinely Designed (contemporary LDS romantic comedy), autographed copy
QUESTION: What is the title of Rachael's second book, being released in August? (Hint: scroll down to Rachael’s “Goodreads” titles on the right hand sidebar))
http://rachaelreneeanderson.blogspot.com/USA ENTRIES ONLY
WINNER: Karin Tillotson of Pennsylvania
ANSWER: Luck of the DrawJune 6
SPONSOR: Linda Kay Garner
PRIZE: Some Secrets Hurt (picturebook), autographed copy. This picture book is for all ages. It is simple enough to be understood by a very young child, meaningful enough to appeal to teenagers, informative enough to be helpful to parents, and powerful enough to reach out to a wounded adult.
QUESTION: The only thing worse than finding out that your child is being sexually abused is ____ ____ ____? (Hint: Listen to 5 minute KSL TV interview on the right side of the website or dowload the free Parents’ Guide)
WINNER: Laura Lewis of North Carolina
ANSWER: Not finding outJune 7
SPONSOR: Danielle Thorne
PRIZE: (New/Sealed) The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe (Widescreen DVD)
QUESTION: In Danielle Thorne's novel, Turtle Soup, what is the name of the marine biologist who inspires Sara Hart to name her deli Turtle Soup? (Hint: read the blurb for Turtle Soup on Danielle’s website homepage)
WINNER: Carol Rainbolt of Arizona
ANSWER: Jack BrandonJune 8
SPONSOR: Larry Hammersley
PRIZE: Lab Partners (sweet 1950’s romance), ebook
QUESTION: What are the first names of the hero and heroine in the short story Lab Partners? (Hint: Check out “WIP Report” post for April 4, 2010)
http://larryhammersley.blogspot.com/OPEN TO INTERNATIONAL ENTIRES
WINNER:Mina Gerhart of Pennsylvania
ANSWER: Leroy and JodyJune 9
SPONSOR: Linda Weaver Clarke
PRIZE: Melinda and the Wild West: (historical romance, YA and adult), autographed copy
QUESTION: What was Melinda doing when she first met Gilbert and why did he act flustered and then abruptly turn and briskly stride away? (Hint:. Click on “Sample Chapters” tab, then on the book title for Melinda and the Wild West to read a sample chapter.)
WEBSITE/BLOG: http://www.lindaweaverclarke.com/">WEBSITE/BLOG:
http://www.blogger.com/www.angela-morrison.comOPEN TO INTERNATIONAL ENTRIES
WINNER:Cassandra Cantrell of Utah
ANSWER: She was wading in a stream and her skirt was hiked up showing her legs and bare feetJune 10
SPONSOR: Angela Morrison
PRIZE: Taken by Storm (Penguin/Razorbill 2009), YA romance, autographed hard cover
QUESTION: A legendary LDS author of over 30 books for teens called Taken by Storm, "An amazing story written with a clear, refreshing and creative voice." Who was it? (Hint: check “Taken By Storm” tab)
WEBSITE/BLOG: www.angela-morrison.com
WINNER: Diana Donahoo of Illinois
ANSWER: Jack WeylandJune 11
SPONSOR: Ronda Gibb Hinrichsen
PRIZE: Trapped (romantic suspense with a hint of paranormal fantasy), autographed copy
QUESTION: The first trap Emi Warrin encounters is a mysterious letter. To where does it lure her? (Hint: Read the book summary under the Trapped tab)
rondahinrichsen.comUSA ENTRIES ONLY
WINNER: Amanda Isbell of Utah
ANSWER: the Austrian AlpsJune 12
SPONSOR: Anne Patrick
PRIZE: Journey to Redemption (inspirational romantic suspense), free download
QUESTION: What did Royce use to do for a living in my upcoming release, Out of the Darkness? (Hint: Look under the “My Books” link for Anne’s new release, Out of the Darkness)
http://www.suspensebyanne.blogspot.com/OPEN TO INTERNATIONAL ENTRIES
WINNER: Cindy Schuerr of Wisconsin
ANSWER: He played pro football.June 13
SPONSOR: Rebecca Talley
PRIZE: Altared Plans (contemporary LDS romance), autographed by author
QUESTION: What is unique about my youngest son? (Hint: Watch the YouTube video Extra C posted on the right side of Rebecca’s blog)
http://www.blogger.com/www.rebeccatalleywrites.blogspot.comUSA ENTRIES ONLY
WINNER: Rachel Stanley of Arizona
ANSWER: He has an extra chromosome/Down syndromeJune 14
SPONSOR: David J. West
PRIZE: Heroes of the Fallen (historical fiction), autographed hardcopy)
QUESTION: What is the name of my favorite author? (Hint: Scroll through David’s June blogs. He promises you’ll find the answer!)
http://david-j-west.blogspot.com/USA ENTRIES ONLY
WINNER: Tawnya Mayo of Utah
ANSWER: Robert E. HowardJune 15
SPONSOR: Jennifer Stewart Griffith, author of Choosing Mr. Right and Delicious Conversation
PRIZE: FREE edit and/or critique of first 50 pages of a novel
QUESTION: What is the Japanese word for the hairstyle worn by sumo wrestlers? (Hint: Check out Jennifer’s favorite sumo blog, Sumo Beautiful. Look for Hama Bijin’s April 13th post)
http://sumobeautiful.blogspot.com/USA ENTRIES ONLY
WINNER: Tracy Astle of California
ANSWER: ChonmageJune 16
SPONSOR: Rebecca Irvine
PRIZE: Family Home Evening Adventures (non-fiction book of FHE lessons), free e-book on CD
QUESTION: What is the title of the first book written by Rebecca Irvine? (Hint: Read “about me” on Rebecca’s blog)
WEBSITE/BLOG: http://www.rebeccairvine.blogspot.com/
WINNER: Tracie Travis of California
ANSWER: Adventures with the Word of GodJune 17
SPONSOR: Marilyn Bunderson
PRIZE: The Mark (YA Fiction), autographed copy with a bookmark
QUESTION: In a deleted scene from my book, The Mark, Jon loses a bet to Shae. What does he have to do to pay up? (Hint: Found in post titled "Deleted Scenes From The Mark" dated April 15, 2010)
http://mrbunderson.blogspot.com/USA ENTRIES ONLY
WINNER: Karen Haas of North Carolina
ANSWER: go country line dancing
June 18
SPONSOR: Heather Justesen
PRIZE: Winner’s Choice: The Ball’s In Her Court (contemporary inspirational) or Rebound (contemporary romance), autographed by author
QUESTION: How much did the FBI agent expect John's bail to be set at? (Hint: Click on "My Books" tab, then "read more" about Rebound.)
WINNER: Colleen Conklin of Arizona
ANSWER: About half a million
June 19
SPONSOR: Nichole Giles
PRIZE: The Sharp Edge of a Knife (inspirational historical, based on a true story), autographed copy
QUESTION: What is the correct title of the humorous anthology I coauthored? (Hint: Look in the right hand sidebar)
http://www.blogger.com/www.nicholegiles.blogspot.comUSA ENTRIES ONLY
WINNER: Taffy Lovell of Utah
ANSWER: Mormon Mishaps and MischiefJune 20
SPONSOR: Karen Adair
PRIZE: Trendy blue/brown crocheted book tote with matching cell phone case (Check out Karen’s “Diva Strings” website for examples: http://www.divastrings.com/index.html)
QUESTION: Where did Karen learn how to type and what speed did she finally top out at? (Hint: Check Karen’s “Bio” tab)
http://www.kbadair.com/USA ENTRIES ONLY
WINNER: Becky Drew of Arizona
ANSWER: I took a class in middle school and my last clocked speed was 120 words per minute
June 21
SPONSOR: Lynn Parsons, co-author of the soon-to-be-released non-fiction book: (dis)Abilities and the Gospel
PRIZE: A pair of hand-knit socks
QUESTION: What are three of the topics I list on the parent page of my website? (Look on “Parent Page” tab)
http://www.blogger.com/www.lynndparsons.comUSA ENTRIES ONLY
WINNER: Karin Tillotson of Pennsylvania
ANSWER: ADD/ADHD, Autism, Learning Disabilities, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Educational Activities for Home, Transition to Adulthood
June 22
SPONSOR: Kinzie Monroe
PRIZE: Reservations for Two (inspirational romance), autographed CD
QUESTION: What was Maggie doing when she and Carson first met in Reservations for Two? (Hint: click on the “Excerpts” link on Kinzie’s blog)
http://kinziemonroe.blogspot.com/USA ENTRIES ONLY
WINNER: Paige Child of Utah
ANSWER: roller bladingJune 23
SPONSOR: Michele Ashman Bell
PRIZE: Summer in Paris (YA romance), autographed copy and Eiffel Tower bookmark
QUESTION: What is Michele "dreaming of"? (Hint: found on sidebar above picture of Eiffel Tower
micheleabell.blogspot.comOPEN TO INTERNATIONAL ENTRIES
WINNER: Sharline Mata of Costa Rica
June 24
SPONSOR: Jaimey Grant and JaysDesign Jewelry
PRIZE: A signed copy of Redemption, a Regency romance by Jaimey Grant, and a 19" hand-knotted strand of freshwater pearls ($45 value) handmade by Jay T Lyons of JaysDesign Jewelry.
QUESTION: Artist Jay T Lyons did a sketch for the cover of an upcoming Regency romance of mine. What is the sketch of and what is the title of the upcoming book?
http://sites.google.com/site/jaimeygrant/jaytlyonsUSA ENTRIES ONLY
WINNER: Cydni Tongish of Utah (please be sure you type Cydni and not Cyndi...I thought it was the latter at first)
ANSWER: A prison hulk for the cover of RetributionJune 25
SPONSOR: Christine Thackeray
PRIZE: Lipstick Wars (LDS Women’s Fiction), autographed copy
QUESTION: What is the name of the angel who needs a vacation in my recent pamphlet, “Could You Be an Angel Today? (Hint: Play the book trailer for “Could You Be an Angel Today” on Christine’s home page)
http://www.blogger.com/www.christinethackeray.comOPEN TO INTERNATIONAL ENTRIES
WINNER: Carissa Cantrell of Utah
ANSWER: Gladys
June 26
SPONSOR: Bonnie Harris
PRIZE: Mary Kay Satin Lips Set, Travel Size Satin Hands Set and a set of mineral eye colors
QUESTION: What is the name of my African Gray and African Desert Tortosie? (Hint: Read “About Me” in the left hand sidebar)
http://www.bonnieharris.blogspot.com/OPEN TO INTERNATIONAL ENTRIES
WINNER: Cheryl Snyder of Pennsylvania
ANSWER: Kumba and Digger
June 27
SPONSOR: Teralee Deighton
PRIZE: Cup of Comfort for New Mothers (personal essay anthology)
QUESTION: Name the editor of Cup of Comfort for New Mothers
http://www.adamsmediastore.com/category/cup-of-comfort-series?r=COC_BookstoreUSA ENTRIES ONLY
WINNER: Susan Arroyo of Utah
ANSWER: Colleen Sell
June 28
SPONSOR: C. LaRene Hall
PRIZE: Martha’s Freedom Train (middle grade historical), autographed by both author and illustrator
QUESTION: How many short stories has C. LaRene Hall published in the humorous anthology, Mormon Mishaps and Mischief? (Hint: Look in the left hand sidebar)
http://www.clhall.blogspot.com/USA ENTRIES ONLY
WINNER: Chris Okelberry of Utah
ANSWER: 14June 29
SPONSOR: Sarah M. Eden
PRIZE: Courting Miss Lancaster (Regency romance), autographed copy
QUESTION: In his "I Need Friends Friday" interview, what reason does Edward Cullen give for not sleeping at night?
http://www.sarahmeden.com/2009/11/i-need-friends-friday-edward-cullen.htmlOPEN TO INTERNATIONAL ENTRIES
WINNER: Teryn Ercanbrack of Utah
ANSWER: "Because I'm a monster."
June 30
SPONSOR: Marcia Mickelson
PRIZE: Reasonable Doubt (LDS Suspense), autographed copy
QUESTION: In what country was author, Marcia Mickelson born? (Hint: Click on “About Marcia” tab)
http://www.marciamickelson.com/USA ENTRIES ONLY
WINNER: Patricia Cochran of Texas
ANSWER: Guatemala
July 1
SPONSOR: Kimberly Job
PRIZE: I'll Know You by Heart (romantic suspense), autographed copy
QUESTION: What is the title of my current work in progress? (Hint: Look under “My Books” tab)
http://www.scribbledscraps.blogspot.com/USA ENTRIES ONLY
WINNER: Archana Subramaniam
ANSWER: "A Change of Heart"July 2
SPONSOR: Joan Sowards
PRIZE: Haunts Haven (an LDS ghost story), autographed copy
QUESTION: What is the name of the town in which the story of Haunts Haven takes place? (Hint: Found on sidebar synopsis of story)
http://joansowards.blogspot.com/OPEN TO INTERNATIONAL ENTRIES
WINNER: Jobie Marshall of Oregon
ANSWER: Cassidy SpringsJuly 3
SPONSOR: Margaret L. Turley RN
PRIZE: Save the Child (Reality Fiction), autographed copy
QUESTION: Where can you listen to an audio interview with Margaret L. Turley about her book, Save the Child? (Hint: Click on link at the bottom of Margaret’s bio on her “About the Author” page)
http://margaretturley.com/USA ENTRIES ONLY
WINNER: Heather Parry
ANSWER: AuthorsRoost.comJuly 4
SPONSOR: Joyce DiPastena
PRIZE: Illuminations of the Heart (sweet medieval romance, a 2009 Whitney Award Finalist), autographed by author
QUESTION: Who were gifts usually given to on Epiphany during the Middle Ages? (Hint: Click on “Stolen Christmas” tab and read excerpt from “An Epiphany Gift for Robin”)
http://www.joyce-dipastena.com/OPEN TO INTERNATIONAL ENTRIES:
WINNER: Lexie Hogan of Utah
ANSWER: small childrenJuly 5
SPONSOR: Cindy R. Williams
PRIZE: Chase McKay Didn’t Get Up Today (Arizona Glyph Award Finalist and Southwest Book Awards Finalist), a snuggle, giggle children’s picture book
QUESTION: There is a picture of Cindy holding two dragons on her website, www.cindyrwilliams.com. The names of the dragons are in the caption below the picture. What are their names? (Hint: Look on the “Book” page)
http://www.cindyrwilliams.com/USA ENTRIES ONLY
WINNER: Diane Pollock of Iowa
ANSWER: Thundertail and Sparkin
July 6
SPONSOR: Gail Pallotta
PRIZE: Love Turns the Tide (inspirational romance with suspense), free e-book on CD
QUESTION: Who comes to Cammie O'Shea's rescue after she has a break-in at her unit in Destin, Florida? (Hint: Scroll down to: MORE ABOUT THE BOOK)
http://www.gailpallotta.com/OPEN TO INTERNATIONAL ENTRIES
WINNER: Jeanette Jackson of Canada
ANSWER: Vic Deleona
July 7
SPONSOR: Danyelle Ferguson, co-author of the soon-to-be released non-fiction book: (dis)Abilities and the Gospel
PRIZE: A 30-page manuscript edit
QUESTION: Name three of the "special needs" addressed in (dis)Abilities and the Gospel. (Hint: Click on the "Books" tab for (dis)Abilities and the Gospel)
WINNER: Jacque Stevens of Maryland
ANSWER: autism, Down syndrome, bipolar disorder, memory loss, and moreJuly 8
SPONSOR: Karen E. Hoover
PRIZE: Sapphire Flute (YA Fantasy), autographed copy
QUESTION: How many bloggers have posted their reviews of The Sapphire Flute? (Hint: Check out the list under “Sapphire Flute Blog Tour” in the right hand side bar and count ‘em up)
http://karen-hoover.blogspot.com/USA ENTRIES ONLY
WINNER: Paige Ray of California