It's the most wonderful time of the year! Pull out the hot cocoa and light the fire. It's time to snuggle up with your Kindle and enjoy some holiday reading. Choose titles from 67 bestselling and award-winning authors! December 4-10!
Click the pic to see the covers!
The musings of a craft-challenged, LDS wife, mother, grandma, and author.
Monday, December 4, 2017
Monday, October 16, 2017
I’ve teamed up with 60 fantastic authors to give away
a huge collection of Romantic Suspense novels to 2 lucky winners, PLUS a brand
new eReader to the Grand Prize winner!
You can win my award-winning novel, "The Dragons of Alsace Farm," plus
books from authors like Maggie Shayne and Laurelin Paige.
Good luck, and enjoy!
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
I met with my friend Michelle again to interview her for the upcoming biography I'm writing about her life. She is a real survivor of the bombing of France, much like my character Agnes from "The Dragons of Alsace Farm." Today, we documented her memories of the evacuation of her French town, Braquis, as the German invasion began. The memories became a bit overwhelming as she told of the planes bombing and shooting at the lines of refugees, so we switched things up, and talked about what the children likely did on their four-day exodus from home.
She showed me that they sang as they walked, and when she broke into the French National Anthem, "La Marseillaise," I felt her patriotism and love for her native land:
Allons enfants de la Patrie
Le jour de gloire est arrivé !
Contre nous de la tyrannie
L'étendard sanglant est levé
Entendez-vous dans nos campagnes
Mugir ces féroces soldats?
Ils viennent jusque dans vos bras.
Égorger vos fils, vos compagnes!
Le jour de gloire est arrivé !
Contre nous de la tyrannie
L'étendard sanglant est levé
Entendez-vous dans nos campagnes
Mugir ces féroces soldats?
Ils viennent jusque dans vos bras.
Égorger vos fils, vos compagnes!
Arise children of the fatherland
The day of glory has arrived
Against us tyranny's
Bloody standard is raised
Listen to the sound in the fields
The howling of these fearsome soldiers
They are coming into our midst
To cut the throats of your sons and consorts
To arms citizens
Form your battalions
March, march
Let impure blood
Water our furrows
Form your battalions
March, march
Let impure blood
Water our furrows
I sang this song in high school French class, but the words were so terribly poignant as I imagined little children singing them as tyrants were literally attempting to cut them down.
A moment later, she then began singing this little ditty. I asked her what it meant. The tune was much happier than the lyrics, about children looking for bread and finding their pantry bare, then noting that the neighbor had bread, but it wasn't for them. Another reminder of the toll war and its deprivations had on children who saw this simply as "life."
She teared up several times during our interview, and I told her what an example she was of faith, that she held on with the hope that tomorrow would be better.
She reminds me of this quote I love by Hugh B. Brown: “Night never had the last word. The dawn is always invincible.”
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Josh Groban - Bring Him Home [OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO]
Today's writing, fueled by the magical voice of Josh Groban. This tune is my fav.
Monday, September 25, 2017
Every book lover has found a few authors, (hopefully me included) whose books speak personally to them, either easing them away from their current cares, or tackling hard topics with characters whose perspective or courage or humor inspires or challenges them in new ways. These are authors and books we cherish.
But what happens when we've read through that author's catalog and seek out new books and new voices? It can be tricky. And costly. We've all read a book we've wanted to toss across the room, or set on a cafe table and walk away from. That's a big financial ouch if we've bought it.
Here's a risk-free promo for HISTORICAL FICTION lovers. My Book Cave Promos has gathered 15 authors, myself included, who are offering one of their historical e-books for free in exchange for a chance to put their work in front of you and hopefully add you to their list of loyal readers. Click the pic above to peruse the titles and select books. You can also enter to win a $25 gift card!
I'm offering "In God is Out Trust," volume 5 of Free Men and Dreamers. Readers can also pick up volume three for free as well at Now you're on your way to owning a much beloved series set against the back drop of the War of 1812.
Try out these other wonderful authors' books for free!
Saturday, September 9, 2017
"The Dragons of Alsace Farm" gets a new cover in time for a Free E-book EXTRAVAGANZA!

If you haven't read it yet, here's a great opportunity to download it and up to fifty fine books in a variety of genres onto your e-reader for lazy fall reading--all for FREE.
I'm excited to join My Book Cave's free promo. Fifty authors have teamed up to provide some of their favorite novels for FREE just for the chance to introduce new readers to their work.
This massive book giveaway also provides a chance for readers to enter to win a $50 gift card!
Think about it. Enough free books to fill a family's e-readers, a chance to meet new authors and sample their work, and a giveaway with a $50 gift card as a prize!
Click the image to see the beautiful array of books available. Learn about each author's VIP readers club and join to continue to receive great book offers and be part of a reading community!
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
An Essay on Civility
Life and travel have provided opportunities for interactions with diverse people the past few weeks--health care workers, servers, travelers, customers, store clerks, and more.
We're out in California where news reports of protests and unrest made me brace for rude or uncaring treatment. Not so. Not one time.
A few of these multicultural interactions led to a conversation about what we see and hear in the news. One such conversation included a Black sales clerk, a liberal psychologist, a Latino man, and myself. The consensus? None of them felt the media conveyed their opinions or life experience.
They were clearly not fans of the president, but their comments were not angry or hate-filled.
We laughed, worried, and listened to one another. A retail service transaction turned to hugs and handshakes of friendship as we shared the relief of knowing that for most Americans, regardless of color, race, or gender, we are on the same page. We want the same things. We are working for the same things.
I've been conducting a little experiment, following President Uchtdorf's counsel to smile more. I've slowed down in retail lines, and in parking lots, not worrying as much about MY turn, My slot, My place, and what I've noticed is other people do the same.
I've seen greater courtesy, more humor, and more conversation lately among relative strangers, and I wonder if recent, sad events have made civil society more aware of being kind, of breaking the ice with a smile instead of a scowl, of simply being civil.
I'm reminded of the story of the men meeting an elephant for the first time, and how each man's interpretation of that event was so completely singular. The media can build a false reality from a single photo, from one person's perspective.
We live in a time when we can't always believe what is placed before our eyes. The heart and spirit are the true barometers of humanity, and I have confidence that most people are good, and honest, and more likely to help than we realize.
Like in Texas. Amazing. Civility still reigns.
Thursday, August 10, 2017
I try not to wax political too often. I have strong opinions, but this doesn't seem to be the place to vent them, except maybe on this topic, because it's a universal concern.
The greatest budgetary unknown for most Americans right now is healthcare. No matter how responsibly we plan, most Americans are simply holding their breath to see what happens, whether it's concerns over the future of Medicare, how far personal healthcare dollars will go, or whether employers will offer healthcare, or if the ACA exchanges survive.
Maryland's failing Evergreen Health Insurance Group provides a sobering, but honest, current glimpse at what we're all up against. (I give this information to help people being held hostage by this problem. Not to foment hate and argument, so please see this as useful information and not as a springboard to rant about presidents past or present.) Here's my update:
I spoke to a former principle at the company who said Evergreen was healthy and well-situated with twice the reserves needed to fund claims four years ago. A few things happened.
1. Although Evergreen is a not-for-profit-company, it had these aforementioned reserves. Under the ACA, (Obamacare), private insurance companies with profits and reserves were forced to bailout companies who were bearing the public burden of the ACA, like Carefirst. That bailout cut too deep into Evergreen, forcing them, like all other insurance carriers, to raise prices.
2. As promised, Evergreen honored their 2015 prices going into 2016, with only a modest increase in prices, which raised too little additional revenue, and the death spiral began. In 2017, they raised the prices on their policies by about 30%, but it was too late.
3. The Maryland State Insurance Commission jumped in as as soon as they saw the tip of the scales. They tried to help Evergreen find Investors to help them ride out the storm, but the Investors, (other health co-ops), pulled out in May or June, sealing Evergreen's fate.
4. The Insurance Commission is still trying to find investors. It doesn't look good.
Evergreen patients have been assured they still have coverage, although they might have to drive longer distances to find a doctor who will still participate at the risk of never being paid. If you've met your deductible, you might want to hang in there. If you leave and find a new carrier, you will have to start over to meet new deductibles.
My eval on all this. Everyone loses in this ACA scenario.
The carriers who support the ACA exchange aren't solvent because the cost of care is not supported by premiums and company investments. Competent, healthy insurance carriers go under because their business model is upset when they are forced to bailout those who are protecting the ACA.Patients who counted on a certain plan with certain trusted physicians find that those doctors are leaving before reimbursement ceases. By law, physicians must keep their patients for 90 days despite their failing insurance, which means in some cases, that they are treating people with no reimbursement.
The system is badly strained. Maybe broken. Can it be fixed? I want to lock the entire Congress in the Capitol until they figure it out--the Dems who raced into a plan some knew was destined to eventually fail so they could "start the conversation about single-payer," and all the republicans who sat on their hands for seven years, blathering and about what they'd do, and then didn't.
Call your congressmen and senators.
Every day.
Tell them to get back and fix this.
Evergreen was a good company. It will not be the last to go under.
Every day.
Tell them to get back and fix this.
Evergreen was a good company. It will not be the last to go under.
Thursday, July 20, 2017

She doesn't remember their names from day-to-day, or even hour-to-hour, but she responds to everyone with a smile and a kind word, and they became friends.
Today, as I walked down the hall to pack her things, one of her ailing friends asked me to give her their milk carton because they know she loves milk. Another grabbed her walker and shuffled to Mom's room, offering her a tearful hug goodbye. Her roommate was so upset about the impending loss of her friend that she wanted to leave with her.
Whether once women of means or paupers, life has equalized their stations. Each is now reduced to what can be stored in a few drawers, and a cupboard for clothes. Their wants are few, and what they treasure is love, given freely and soaked up like rain on dry ground, through heavy-armed hugs, a trembling smile, a carton of milk, or an offered cookie from a plate sent by a loved one.
I wiped my eyes more than once at the grandeur of spirits that could not be contained by frail bodies, but which reached across rooms and halls in cheery laughter and illuminated eyes. If time spent at a task makes one a professional, then these are professionals at loving, who stripped of the trappings of things, love soul to soul and heart to heart.
Perhaps we become more spirit than body, a thought that makes growing older seem glorious. At least I think so, because today I saw majesty, and nobility, and grace, and I remain awed.
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
Interview with Multi-genre author, MARLENE BATEMAN
Interview with Marlene
Author of Searching for Irene

I think readers like to know how we got started writing. So Marlene, did you always want to be a writer?
Always! Ever since I was
in elementary school. As a
child, I was a voracious reader and this created a desire to write my own
did you learn the writing craft?
Learning how to write is an ongoing process. I started as a
youngster, and continued taking classes, reading books on writing, and
practicing, practicing and practicing through college and beyond. Even now,
after having fourteen books published, I still attend writing conferences and
take classes that teach me more about the craft of writing. I also still read books
about the writing process. Also, when I read, I pay attention to the author’s
writing and try to incorporate what I like into my own manuscripts.
I know the answer to this, but tell my readers what
makes your novels stand out from the crowd?
My books are ‘clean,’
which means no swearing, and no gratuitous sex or violence. Also, I like to focus
on creating interesting characters. I like to write mysteries and while many
current TV shows place use high-tech prowess to solve the crime, I delve into
the killer’s psyche and show the psychological aspects that drive their
behavior, and which leaves clues behind for the savvy investigator to uncover.
long does it take to write a book?
My first novel; Light on Fire Island, took me three years. But as my children got
older and more self-sufficient and as I improved my writing skills, I’ve been able
to work a little faster. I can now write a novel in 8-11 months.
is your daily writing routine?
I try to begin my writing day at
10:30 a.m. When I get up, I have breakfast, read my scriptures, then the
newspaper, and do house and yard work. I write until 12:30, when I have lunch.
Then, I try to take a 10-15 minute power-nap before getting back to work. In the afternoon, I take my dogs for a walk,
then continue writing until 7 p.m.
is your writing space like?
I converted our formal dining room into a writing nook where I
have an L-shaped desk. Years ago, my son talked me into getting two monitors
and now, I couldn’t live without them.
We have a gazebo in our backyard that I
call my second “office.” I work there on my laptop when weather permits. I have
a flower garden nearby and with the flowers, trees, and garden, it’s a little
slice of heaven. I have two dogs; Brandi—an energetic Welsh Corgi—and Biscuit—a
plump Westie, who keep me company. I also have four cats and usually one or
more comes out to nap nearby as I write.
What else have you written?
My first novel, Light on Fire Island, is a
romance/mystery. My next three novels were cozy murder mysteries; Motive for Murder, A Death in the Family, and
Crooked House. It was fun writing
them because the main character—Erica Coleman—is a quirky private eye with OCD.
My next novel was a romance, For Sale by Owner.

What's one piece
of advice you would give aspiring authors?
Never. Give. Up.
People don’t fail because they can’t
write, they fail because they stop trying. I have a yellowed newspaper clipping
by my computer that says; “For most of us, it isn’t that we don’t have the
ability to write, it’s that we don’t devote the time. You have to put in the effort.” Another way of saying it is that if you want
to write and be published bad enough, you’ll work for it. And if you work at it, your writing will
improve, and you WILL be published.
I think that's a perfect place to end. Thanks so much for fielding these questions, Marlene, and good luck with the launch of "Searching for Irene."
I think that's a perfect place to end. Thanks so much for fielding these questions, Marlene, and good luck with the launch of "Searching for Irene."
Monday, July 10, 2017
Author Marlene Bateman Serves Up Another Delicious Mystery With "SEARCHING FOR IRENE"
Marlene Bateman returns tomorrow with an up close and personal interview about "Searching For Irene," and her other beloved books. Today, we're delighted to kick off her blog tour for her newest release, Searching for Irene.
What happened to Irene?

After Anna sets out to find the truth behind
Irene’s disappearance, a series of frightening incidents ensnare her in a maze
of intrigue. Anna is helped—and often hindered—by the temperamental Tyler
Richardson, who—despite her best intentions—begins to steal her heart.
But even as Anna begins to uncover dark secrets in a
troubled household, she must continue to hide a significant one of her own. When
her life is threatened, Anna is left to wonder if she’ll be able to unravel the
mystery before she disappears as mysteriously as the unfortunate Irene—
Marlene’s website:
Excerpt; Searching for Irene
tallest parts of the mansion—fanciful turrets and a circular tower—were visible
only in glimpses Anna caught between lofty oaks and towering pines as her cab
wound through the knolls and hills of eastern Virginia.

Marlene’s website:
Marlene Bateman Sullivan grew up in Utah, and graduated from the University of Utah with a Bachelor's degree in English. She is married to Kelly R. Sullivan and they live in North Salt Lake, Utah with their two dogs and four cats. Marlene has been published extensively in magazines and newspapers and wrote the best-selling romance/suspense novel, Light on Fire Island. She has written three other cozy mysteries; Motive for Murder, A Death in the Family, and Crooked House, as well as the romance, For Sale by Owner.
Marlene has also written a number of non-fiction, LDS books: Latter-day Saint Heroes and Heroines, And There Were Angels Among Them, Visit’s from Beyond the Veil, By the Ministering of Angels, Brigham’s Boys, Heroes of Faith, Gaze into Heaven; Near-death Experiences in Early Church History, and The Magnificent World of Spirits; Eyewitness Accounts of Where We Go When We Die.
As an added bonus, we'd like to also share Marlene's "For Sale By Owner," a sweet romance.
Sale by Owner;
Stressed by a difficult year, McKenzie Forsberg quits her high-powered
job to move back to her hometown. Desperate and determined to rebuild her life,
Kenzie seeks to buy the home she grew up in. The only problem is that a
handsome widower, Jared Rawlins, also wants the house. As a battle of wits
ensue, sparks of attraction grow into something more. Then, Kenzie makes a
stunning discovery about her past that changes everything. Will the power of
love be enough to allow Jared and Kenzie to find their happily ever after?
(Return tomorrow for an interview with the author!)
Monday, July 3, 2017
From Memorial Day through Labor Day, my heart stirs at the flying of the red, white, and blue. Our small town flies a giant flag from a crane so all can see as they pass through.
As faithful readers know, I spent eight years researching and writing my award-winning Free Men and Dreamers series to commemorate the two hundredth anniversary of The War of 1812, the writing of The Star-Spangled Banner, and the preservation of the freedoms we enjoy. We're about to give the end of the series a facelift. I only own the last three volumes, so those books are getting new covers so we can reach a new batch of patriotic readers.
I can't control the price on the first two books still held by my publisher, but I'm offering the e-books of volumes 3-5, "Dawn's Early Light," "Oh, Say Can You See?" and "In God Is Our Trust," for $0.99 each this month. Read THE great reviews of these books on my author page.
Here's a former post I wrote about Key from the research I conducted on the series. I hope it adds to your love of the Star-Spangled Banner and the anthem it inspired.
There's so many beautiful, stirring details forgotten or never learned that surround Key's story. Most of us know he was on board a ship in the harbor overlooking Fort McHenry during the bombardment when the inspiration hit him. Fewer people recall that he was on a mission to save his Scottish friend, Dr. William Beanes, who had been dragged from his bed in the middle of the night by the British on charges of treason and murder. But there's so much more to the story.
To fully understand the passion behind Key's story you must recall that three weeks prior to the bombardment, Key and his wife were secreting their children away from Georgetown, a suburb of Washington, to Key's parents' home in Frederick, Maryland. The British were expected to march on the Capital and the Key's were desperate to send them away to safety. Days later, while Polly remained near her husband in the home of friends, Key was horseback and on the battlefield with President Madison at Bladensburg, Maryland, when the American forces clashed with the British army. The fight became a humiliating rout sadly dubbed "The Bladensburg Races," a pitiful reference to the frightened American retreat that left the way open for the sacking of the President's House, the Capitol building, the government offices. As a result, very few mementos of our country's birth and infancy exist prior to 1814.
Key had also witnessed, firsthand, the brutality of the British
military when crossed, and on September 13th, Baltimore was swollen with angry Americans poised to fight back. Worse yet, Key had family in the city. His brother-in-law, Judge Joseph Nicholson, was the second in command at Fort McHenry that day. And Nicholson's wife, sister to Key's wife Polly, was still in the city with their children. After all Key had done to protect his own family, his concerns for these loved ones pressed heavily on his mind.
During the negotiations with the British to secure Beanes release, Key and the Prison Exchange agent, John Skinner, were taken aboard the British admiral's flagship and treated as guests. But during the meals, the British officers discussed their plans to burn the city to the ground in front of their American "guests." Having been apprised of the British war plans, Key and Skinner became detainees of the British until after the battle's conclusion, unable to warn their people, and forced to watch the attack from afar, knowing the dire fate intended for Baltimore if the fort were to fall. Key's heart was deeply harrowed.
The twenty-five hour bombardment from September 13th into September 14th was unbearable, but Key had also seen thousands of British troops land fourteen miles south of Baltimore, poised to enter the city and subdue it once the fort fell. Knowing the atrocities committed in other cities that had opposed the British, he shuddered with fear. Days later, in a letter to a friend, John Randolph, Key expressed the anger and fear he felt while maintaining his hope that the prayers of the pious would be heard by God who would deliver the city.
The flag therefore, became more than a mere real estate marker, announcing the power that controlled the fort. It became the sign of life, that as long as she waved the fort had held and the British army and its destructive might had been held at bay.
He jotted his notes on the back of a letter during the final two days of his detainment, setting the entire poem, titled, "The Defense of Baltimore" on a sheet when he was back in the city in his room at the Indian Queen Hotel.
He took the poem to Judge Nicholson as a gift, and the judge was so moved he rushed it to a printers for duplication. Within hours, broadsheets of Key's poem could be found everywhere across the city. People were so starved for something positive and hopeful to cling to in these hours after the loss of their capital that soldiers in the fort wrote home about the poem, and copies began moving to other cities. It was first published in the Baltimore Patriot but soon it appeared in papers in Philadelphia and Boston and New York.
It was set to the tune of a popular melody of the day, "To Anacreon in Heaven," and performed as the finale in performances along the embattled coast where it received standing ovations.
After Washington, few symbols remained to proclaim that our nation and our government still existed. Britain had their king, their crown, their castles, their Parliament, but Britain had left us no home for our president, nor a house for our Congress. All America's citizenry had to hold on to were the ideals of their people, and a flag--a red, white and blue banner that stood defiantly between the enemy and them.
That's what Key saw that day. And this is what he knew--that buildings may burn, presidents may change, armies may march, and enemies may come, but as long as our people hold fast to the ideals upon which this nation was founded, and have access to a few scraps of fabric, the symbol of America cannot be extinguished.
Long may she wave. Proud may she wave!
As faithful readers know, I spent eight years researching and writing my award-winning Free Men and Dreamers series to commemorate the two hundredth anniversary of The War of 1812, the writing of The Star-Spangled Banner, and the preservation of the freedoms we enjoy. We're about to give the end of the series a facelift. I only own the last three volumes, so those books are getting new covers so we can reach a new batch of patriotic readers.

Here's a former post I wrote about Key from the research I conducted on the series. I hope it adds to your love of the Star-Spangled Banner and the anthem it inspired.
Share a patriotic memory or a personal story about your love of the flag below and I'll send you a free ecopy of "Dawn's Early Light."
There's so many beautiful, stirring details forgotten or never learned that surround Key's story. Most of us know he was on board a ship in the harbor overlooking Fort McHenry during the bombardment when the inspiration hit him. Fewer people recall that he was on a mission to save his Scottish friend, Dr. William Beanes, who had been dragged from his bed in the middle of the night by the British on charges of treason and murder. But there's so much more to the story.

To fully understand the passion behind Key's story you must recall that three weeks prior to the bombardment, Key and his wife were secreting their children away from Georgetown, a suburb of Washington, to Key's parents' home in Frederick, Maryland. The British were expected to march on the Capital and the Key's were desperate to send them away to safety. Days later, while Polly remained near her husband in the home of friends, Key was horseback and on the battlefield with President Madison at Bladensburg, Maryland, when the American forces clashed with the British army. The fight became a humiliating rout sadly dubbed "The Bladensburg Races," a pitiful reference to the frightened American retreat that left the way open for the sacking of the President's House, the Capitol building, the government offices. As a result, very few mementos of our country's birth and infancy exist prior to 1814.
Key had also witnessed, firsthand, the brutality of the British

During the negotiations with the British to secure Beanes release, Key and the Prison Exchange agent, John Skinner, were taken aboard the British admiral's flagship and treated as guests. But during the meals, the British officers discussed their plans to burn the city to the ground in front of their American "guests." Having been apprised of the British war plans, Key and Skinner became detainees of the British until after the battle's conclusion, unable to warn their people, and forced to watch the attack from afar, knowing the dire fate intended for Baltimore if the fort were to fall. Key's heart was deeply harrowed.
The twenty-five hour bombardment from September 13th into September 14th was unbearable, but Key had also seen thousands of British troops land fourteen miles south of Baltimore, poised to enter the city and subdue it once the fort fell. Knowing the atrocities committed in other cities that had opposed the British, he shuddered with fear. Days later, in a letter to a friend, John Randolph, Key expressed the anger and fear he felt while maintaining his hope that the prayers of the pious would be heard by God who would deliver the city.
The flag therefore, became more than a mere real estate marker, announcing the power that controlled the fort. It became the sign of life, that as long as she waved the fort had held and the British army and its destructive might had been held at bay.
He jotted his notes on the back of a letter during the final two days of his detainment, setting the entire poem, titled, "The Defense of Baltimore" on a sheet when he was back in the city in his room at the Indian Queen Hotel.
He took the poem to Judge Nicholson as a gift, and the judge was so moved he rushed it to a printers for duplication. Within hours, broadsheets of Key's poem could be found everywhere across the city. People were so starved for something positive and hopeful to cling to in these hours after the loss of their capital that soldiers in the fort wrote home about the poem, and copies began moving to other cities. It was first published in the Baltimore Patriot but soon it appeared in papers in Philadelphia and Boston and New York.
It was set to the tune of a popular melody of the day, "To Anacreon in Heaven," and performed as the finale in performances along the embattled coast where it received standing ovations.
After Washington, few symbols remained to proclaim that our nation and our government still existed. Britain had their king, their crown, their castles, their Parliament, but Britain had left us no home for our president, nor a house for our Congress. All America's citizenry had to hold on to were the ideals of their people, and a flag--a red, white and blue banner that stood defiantly between the enemy and them.
That's what Key saw that day. And this is what he knew--that buildings may burn, presidents may change, armies may march, and enemies may come, but as long as our people hold fast to the ideals upon which this nation was founded, and have access to a few scraps of fabric, the symbol of America cannot be extinguished.
Long may she wave. Proud may she wave!
Monday, June 26, 2017

I'm now proud to be a member of this empathetic writers guild who write books about their journey with this disease. Some of the stories will make you laugh. Some will make you cry. All will touch you deeply and offer readers similarly affected a place to feel understood.
Alzauthors is hosting an book promo to make readers aware that such books even exist. I'm late in announcing this because I was on vacation, but I wanted to at least get this posted Feel free to browse these books, or please share with someone you know who might find these books a comfort.
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Eighteen award-winning and/or bestselling authors decided it was time to do a book promo that honored fathers and father-figures in literature.
From June 12-25, you can pick up eighteen wonderful family-themed novels about great dads or father-type role models during this "Because Dads Matter' promo.
Each novel was personally selected by the bestselling and/or award-winning author behind the story. While supporting great fathers, they also hope to introduce themselves and their work to new readers.
As an added incentive, eight $10 gift cards are also being given away! So fill that e-reader with stories of great dads, and find a new author that touches your heart.
"TAKE ME BACK" Historical Romance Promotion. Fill your e-reader and win gift cards!
This offer runs from June 10-30.

I'm offering "Dawn's Early Light" from my "Free Men and Dreamers" collection, detailing the burning of Washington and five families whose lives were torn apart by this British assault on America. "Dawn's Early Light" is volume in the series, but each volume is a stand alone read.
So pick up some new books by bestselling and award-winning authors and also enter to win gift cards to fill that Kindle!
Sunday, June 11, 2017
GIVEAWAY! Escape to Europe with Lisa Swinton's "12 Days to Love," part of the DESTINED FOR LOVE SERIES
Another great romantic series--DESTINED FOR LOVE-- written by a team of bestselling authors, is launching this week. Today, I'm introducing you to "12 DAYS TO LOVE," by RONE AWARD-winning author Lisa Swinton.
12 days...10...ports...1 soul searing kiss that will change her life.
Lily is free. Free from home. Free from work and everything she built the last eight years. And she’s scared to death. With her half of the Etsy business sold, Lily is persuaded by Maddie to take advantage of her windfall and go on a cruise around Italy, explore new possibilities, and meet new people, especially the male kind. Feeling as unstable as the waves rolling beneath the ship, Lily is reluctant to agree to a romantic flirtation, even with a man as intriguing as Zander.
The cruise is supposed to be a fresh start for Zander and an opportunity to expand his freelance photography business. It also marks the one year anniversary of his fiancée’s death. All he’s interested in gaining from the experience is a larger portfolio, but finds himself irresistibly drawn to Lily, who looks nearly as lost as he feels.
A cruise ship romance couldn’t possibly last, and yet how can Lily and Zander resist falling in love in the most romantic country on earth?
— Desperately Seeking Mr. Right by Sally Johnson
— Meet Me At Sunrise by Lucinda Whitney
—12 Days to Love by Lisa Swinton
— Kiss Me in the Moonlight by Lindzee Armstrong
— Never Trust the Rain by Laura D. Bastian
About the Author:
Award Winning Author Lisa Swinton caught the romance bug early by way of fairy tales and hasn’t been able to cure it since. Instead, she feeds her addiction with romance novels and films. In between being a doctor’s wife and mother of two, she occasionally puts her B.A. in Musical Theater to good use via community theater and church choir. In her elusive spare time she enjoys researching her family tree and baking (especially with chocolate). She loves to travel, Jane Austen, and all things Italian. In her next life, she plans to be a professional organizer.
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Friday, June 9, 2017
It has now garnered 67 Amazon reviews with an average of 4.75
out of 5, plus:
*A Hungry Monster Book Award
* The New Apple Literary Award for Inspirational Fiction,
* A Whitney Award General Fiction finalist status
And some more wonderful news arrived on Monday when InD'TaleMagazine posted their list of finalists and "The Dragons of Alsace
Farm" made the list!

Many thanks to all who've read, reviewed, and nominated "The Dragons of Alsace Farm" for an award.
My heart is overflowing with gratitude for the way you have embraced this story. For those of you who may not know the inspiration behind the book, I invite you to visit this link.
I've lowered the price to $0.99 until June 30th, when we plan to give the book a new cover and re-release it for summer. Paperback copies are also available. It would be my honor to autograph a copy for you or for a loved one.
So Very Excited to Introduce You To Rone Award Winning-author DANYELLE FERGUSON'S Newest Release-- "ONCE UPON A WISH!"

As a writer, one of her goals has been to write a book set in La Rochelle, France - and Once Upon a Wish made that dream come true. It's true that "Every dream fulfilled begins with a wish."
Be careful what you wish for . . .Here's a teaser from the book:
Delphine Baudry wished to be a best-selling author, but now instead of celebrating and jumping into her next novel, she's frozen with fear. What if she turns out to be a one-hit-wonder? What if all her new fans hate the next book? To top it all off, she can't even discuss the situation with her favorite brainstorming partner, her mother, who is losing her memory to Alzheimer's. Taking a cue from some teens tossing Euros into a fountain, Delphine gives into some whimsy and wishes for her next book plot.
Jean-Paul Chassériau wished to start an online marketing company in La Rochelle. Now the real work begins. Feeling pressure to live up to his father's name in traditional marketing, Jean-Paul has a million ideas but no clients. When he finds a funky old Franc lodged between cobblestones near a fountain, there was only one thing to do. Make a wish.
When their coins collide, Delphine and Jean-Paul's wishes become intertwined, changing the course of their futures, and teaching them that wishes are sometimes fulfilled in unexpected ways.
Ready to jump into Once Upon a Wish? Buy it on Kindle for only $2.99.
About the Author
Danyelle Ferguson discovered her love for the written word in elementary school. Her first article was published when she was in 6th grade. Since then, she’s won several awards and has been published world-wide in newspapers, magazines and books. She’s grateful every day to work in her dream jobs – author, editor, and nurturing her readaholic tendencies.
She grew up surrounded by Pennsylvania’s beautiful Allegheny Mountains. Then lived for ten years among the majestic Wasatch Mountains. She is currently experiencing mountain-withdrawal while living in Kansas with her husband and four angels-in-training. She enjoys reading, writing, dancing and singing in the kitchen, and the occasional long bubble bath to relax from the everyday stress of being “Mommy.”
She grew up surrounded by Pennsylvania’s beautiful Allegheny Mountains. Then lived for ten years among the majestic Wasatch Mountains. She is currently experiencing mountain-withdrawal while living in Kansas with her husband and four angels-in-training. She enjoys reading, writing, dancing and singing in the kitchen, and the occasional long bubble bath to relax from the everyday stress of being “Mommy.”
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