So I'm plowing ahead, and joining in the throng of early Christmas mentions, to announce my FREE MEN and DREAMERS Christmas giveaway.

Tom and I were in Baltimore for the finale events, and the mood was thrilling. It was the cherry on top of my decade-long research into the War of 1812 for my Free Men and Dreamers historical fiction series.
As a farewell to this bicentennial year, I'm offering a special on the books to get them into homes where the stories of how this critical period shaped America can be read and enjoyed again and again.
Here's the special:
Scan and email proof of purchase of volume 1, Dark Sky at Dawn, and volume 2, Twilight's Last Gleaming, to me at lclewis2007@gmail.com, and I'll mail you autographed bookplates for those volumes, and an autographed copy of volume 3 for free.
If you want the entire set: email proof of purchase of those two volumes, plus the purchase of volume 4, Oh, Say Can You See? and volume 5, In God is Our Trust, and I'll send an entire set of autographed bookplates, plus a free, autographed copy of my women's fiction novel, Awakening Avery.
So buy four volumes from my award-winning historical fiction series, and receive autographed bookplates plus two free novels, a $38.00 savings.
Orders and proofs of purchase must be received by December 10th to qualify for the free books in order to guarantee receipt by Christmas.
Thank you so much for welcoming my books into your home. Here are some links to reviews and sample chapters: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B001JPC6XY
Have a perfect Thanksgiving, and may your Christmas preparations be joyful.
Laurie L.C. Lewis
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