Author Interview
Part One
In the name of full disclosure, let me begin by telling you that talented fantasy author Lisa Rector, featured below, is a member of my critique group, and a really great person about whom I'd say lovely things even if she weren't a friend. But check out the reviews her books are getting on Amazon, and you'll see that she has earned the praise she's receiving.
She's the real deal.
(Click on the covers to purchase her books.)
In the name of full disclosure, let me begin by telling you that talented fantasy author Lisa Rector, featured below, is a member of my critique group, and a really great person about whom I'd say lovely things even if she weren't a friend. But check out the reviews her books are getting on Amazon, and you'll see that she has earned the praise she's receiving.
She's the real deal.
(Click on the covers to purchase her books.)

I’m a Maryland native and could never imagine
living anywhere else. And no, I do not like crabs or Old Bay Seasoning. A
mountain girl at heart, occasionally, every so often, I drift down to the coast
and float away on the beachy breezes.
I married my high school sweetheart for time and
all eternity in the Washington D.C. Temple after I fell in love with his
endless sense of humor. I enjoyed a short stint as a labor and delivery nurse
before becoming a stay-at-home mom for my two beautiful daughters. In addition
to my newfound love of writing, my passions are my faith in Jesus Christ,
gardening, and yoga. My favorite delights are decadent homemade cakes, cookies,
or brownies—never store-bought.
I have gone through tons of cats, and right now, I
am cat-less. They’re all buried on the mountain in, what my parents have, a
thriving pet cemetery. The last cat I lost was the hardest, and because of my
husband’s allergies, we can’t have anymore.
At what age
did you realize your fascination with books? When did you start writing?
Due to the delightful country music on the school
bus, I had to find an alternative activity to occupy my brain. So I read every
long 45-minute bus ride to and from school. My favorite childhood author was
Lois Duncan. Motherhood separated me from reading for a time, and now I enjoy
it every evening once I put my manuscripts away for the night. I started
writing in February of 2013. On a whim. An idea came to me. I never even played
with the idea to write before, but spent plenty of time dreaming up fantasies
once my head hit the pillow at night. It was time.
Who are
your favorite authors to read? What is your favorite genre to read? Who
inspires you in your writings?

Tell us a
little about your latest book?
What’s inside The
Two Masters, the second book in my Chronicles of the Half-Emrys? Immortal
emrys, dragons, magical creatures, powers, light vs. darkness, good vs. evil,
revenge, love, hope, forgiveness…
I created a species of immortals who can harness
the power of light. My emrys. Which actually means immortal in Welsh. My
half-emrys are the result of the immortals mixing their bloodline with humans.
The result is the introduction of darkness along with the light. They’re able
to use both powers, but it becomes a constant internal struggle for them. With
the added temptations of the two competing Creators, the one good and the other
evil, many half-emrys find themselves stuck between two worlds.
And in the case for the two characters in this
novel, their ever-balancing scale of internal light and darkness is the least
of their problems.
It’s a story I wrote to be a quick read, not
weighed down with lots of superfluous writing, but filled with lots of tension.
Written for a YA audience (but readers of a mature age would enjoy it), and it’s
a clean story, safe enough that a fourteen year old could read it.
What’s my favorite part? The dragon humor. I have
hilarious dragons. Oh, you must not forget the romantic tension. And one part
always makes me cry, but you’ll have to read my novel to find out.
Inspired You to Write This Book?

But scenes and characters aside, I think that’s
where the similarities stop. My writing is nothing like Tolkien’s.
I would have to say music is what carried the
feeling in my book. I mentioned the music from the mines of Moria scene. I did
listen to the LOTR’s sound track quite a bit in the early phases of my free
writing. But I took any music that uplifted or motivated me, from Evanescence’s
Fallen CD to the Piano Guys. I think Twilight’s various sound tracks were a
major inspiration for me. Evenstar (LOTR) was my inspiration for the final
scene before the epilogue in my first novel, Master of Lies.
How did you
come up with your characters?
Well, my initial basis for my emrys was the LOTR
elves. Alas, my emrys don’t have pointy ears. I needed immortals with a
flowing, graceful form, strong, lean bodies, and creamy, unblemished skin.
Tolkien’s elves were a perfect reference.
I pictured the tall, thin frame of Legolas and his
mysterious charisma. The constantly furrowed look of Legolas’s brows is exactly
how I pictured my Aneirin.
Galadriel was my Meinwen. The way she moved with
grace and her ethereal air was exactly how I pictured my High Emrys.
I stumbled across a “real life” Disney picture of
Jane of the jungle. I knew I had found my Ahnalyn with her green eyes and her
tiny nose and innocent look. Adorable. But with a hidden determination.
Einion’s a little rough around the edges. Picture
Kit Harington in Pompeii.
(Read Part two next week) Click on the cover images to purchase.
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