As described below, Fall triggers a wide array of emotions and shifts in my thinking. Perhaps you feel it too--that need to nest, to gather in, the sense of reckoning the year's events and the increase in gratitude that follows as we recall the many tender mercies exercised in our behalf.
Gratitude is a hard thing to quantify or encapsulate in an image. Sometimes we may not even recognize that gratitude is at the core of a happy moment. In other times, we are left weak-kneed at the profundity of our balance sheet's imbalance--our utter indebtedness to the Lord, or to friends and family who have been there when we most needed them.
So there's gratitude for small things, and gratitude for the huge things. All are worth noting. Here is my start. I'll add things as I go along.
* A good husband who still loves God, westerns, and me, (not necessarily in that order. . .)
* A great family comprised of crazy people I love very much
* A new grand baby to begin the year, and the gathering of family for his blessing.
* A very sick grand baby's nearly miraculous recovery
* A new daughter-in-law to love and the joy of watching a son's eyes light up with joy!
* A successful knee surgery that restored most of my husband's mobility.
* Two weeks spent making memories with my other grandchildren out west!
* About forty dates with my mom that translated into about 4000 interesting moments and situations.
* Six missionary-tenants who've each taught me something new.
* A fabulous summer vacation with all our family together
* Some breakthroughs in my genealogy
* A body that still does most of what I ask it to do
* Employment
* A full pantry
* Old friends
* New friends
* A testimony and all that that implies
* American citizenship and freedom
* Those that protect this privilege
I could go on and on. The more I think, the more there is to write, especially for the little things. . .
* A recipe for which I have all the ingredients on a day I didn't want to run to the store
* My delight at finding wild asparagus growing in my flowerbed
* Finding a forgotten $5 bill tucked into a coat pocket
* Slobbery baby-kisses
* Wiggle room in your jeans
* Caramel apples
* A great coupon on the 30th of the month
* The list goes on and on . . .
What are you grateful for today?
Laurie, I love your website, love your writing, love the "wiggle room in your jeans" most of all. Thanks for sharing your exuberant happiness with all of us! And thanks for visiting my blog! Rene