I found these questions and thought they'd make a fun Halloween post. So submit your answers. I'll put the winners in a drawing for a free book. The answers will be posted on Saturday evening at midnight . . . . Ya ha ha. . .
1) What is the most popular Halloween candy ?
A: Snickers, B: Candy Corn, C: M&Ms, D: Tootsie Rolls
2) According to superstition, if you stare into a mirror at midnight on Halloween, what will you see?
A: Bloody Mary, B: Your Future Spouse, C: Your Death, D: Dead Ancestors
3) The first Jack-o-Lanterns were made out of what?
A: Watermelons, B: Coconuts, C: Turnips, D: Pumpkins
The first Jack-o-Lanterns were made in Ireland out of hollowed-out turnips. A piece of coal was inserted into the hollow and the "lantern" was meant to guide the way of poor old Jack who wasn't welcome in Heaven but was also barred from entering Hell for tricking the devil. According to legend, the devil gave this crude lamp to Jack so that he could walk the earth forever in limbo. When the Irish brought this tradition to America, they apparently decided that pumpkins were much easier to carve than turnips, and the modern-day Jack-o-Lantern was born!
4) Halloween is generally considered to have evolved from what ancient festival?
A: Lammas, B: Beltane, C: Samhain, D: Ostara
Although there are many theories on the origin and history of Halloween, it is generally accepted that Halloween dates back to an ancient Celtic festival known as Samhain, or the Celtic New Year. It was believed that the spirits of everyone who had died during the year would return on the eve of Samhain to seek living bodies to possess for the following year. The Celts would dress in ghoulish costumes and hold noisy revels in an attempt to frighten away these spirits. Food and drink was also offered to pacify the dead. There are many tales of unfortunate souls being burned at the stake because they were perceived to have been possessed by one of the returning spirits. Around the turn of the first century AD, Romans abandoned this custom of human sacrifice in favor of the burning of effigies.
5. Halloween ranks where in terms of commerical importance?
1) What is the most popular Halloween candy ?
A: Snickers, B: Candy Corn, C: M&Ms, D: Tootsie Rolls
2) According to superstition, if you stare into a mirror at midnight on Halloween, what will you see?
A: Bloody Mary, B: Your Future Spouse, C: Your Death, D: Dead Ancestors
3) The first Jack-o-Lanterns were made out of what?
A: Watermelons, B: Coconuts, C: Turnips, D: Pumpkins
The first Jack-o-Lanterns were made in Ireland out of hollowed-out turnips. A piece of coal was inserted into the hollow and the "lantern" was meant to guide the way of poor old Jack who wasn't welcome in Heaven but was also barred from entering Hell for tricking the devil. According to legend, the devil gave this crude lamp to Jack so that he could walk the earth forever in limbo. When the Irish brought this tradition to America, they apparently decided that pumpkins were much easier to carve than turnips, and the modern-day Jack-o-Lantern was born!
4) Halloween is generally considered to have evolved from what ancient festival?
A: Lammas, B: Beltane, C: Samhain, D: Ostara
Although there are many theories on the origin and history of Halloween, it is generally accepted that Halloween dates back to an ancient Celtic festival known as Samhain, or the Celtic New Year. It was believed that the spirits of everyone who had died during the year would return on the eve of Samhain to seek living bodies to possess for the following year. The Celts would dress in ghoulish costumes and hold noisy revels in an attempt to frighten away these spirits. Food and drink was also offered to pacify the dead. There are many tales of unfortunate souls being burned at the stake because they were perceived to have been possessed by one of the returning spirits. Around the turn of the first century AD, Romans abandoned this custom of human sacrifice in favor of the burning of effigies.
5. Halloween ranks where in terms of commerical importance?
6) How much does the world's biggest pumpkin weigh?
A: 245 pounds, B: 485 pounds, C: 685 pounds, D: 1,385 pounds
7) According to legend, a unibrow, tattoos, and a long middle finger are all signs of what Halloween creature?
A: a werewolf, B: a vampire, C: a witch, D: a golem
8) How many pounds of candy did the average American consume in 2002?
A: 6 pounds, B: 12 pounds, C: 24 pounds, D: 48 pounds
9) How many "witches" were burned at the stake in the Salem Witch Trials?
None of the "witches" put to death in the Salem Witch trials were burned at the stake. All those executed were hanged but one, Giles Cory, who was pressed to death. Several others died in prison, including Sarah Osborne, Roger Toothaker, Lyndia Dustin, and Ann Foster.
A: Twelve, B: Twenty, C: Thirty-three, D: None
10) What phobia do you suffer from if you have an intense fear of Halloween?
Choose Your Answer: A: Phasmophobia, B: Samhainophobia, C: Wiccaphobia, D: Halloweenophobia
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