This sweet face belongs toVicki Allgaier. Vicki and her husband, Dr. Wayne, (the photographer) have been advisors/beta-readers/cheerleaders on my last four books. Wayne is my medical advisor, and Vicki provides great editing advice, cozy hugs, and rah-rahs as needed. Authors need a lot of those from time to time. Great co

I gave away lots of great books, chocolate, a bicentennial flag, and copies of the Charters of Freedom yesterday. I'm bringing some more great items out for my Utah signings.
I pausing momentarily to enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday with my family. (The entire tribe is flocking home!!!!) Then two days after the last chick departs, I fly west to Utah to begin the string of signings out there. Fun, right?
Here's my current signing schedule. I hope to see many of you as we launch IN GOD IS OUR TRUST.
December 2nd Seagull Centerville store from 5 - 7pm
The Book Table; Logan, Utah, 9-Midnight
December 3rd Seagull Redwood store from 10am - 12pm
Deseret Books Layton store from 2 - 3:30pm
Seagull Family Center from 5 - 7pm
December 9th Seagull West Jordan store from 5 - 7pm
December 10th Seagull South Jordan store from 10am - 12pm
Deseret Books Ft. Union store from 2 - 3:30pm
Congratulations on writing your own book! What an interesting storyline and concept. I think I'll definitely check it out the next time I'm over at Seagull. Thanks!