But I still prefer writing to marketing.
I'm approaching the marketing phase, the painful exercise whereby I offer Dawn's Early Light . . . my baby . . . my painstakingly-birthed literary child . . . to the world. It's agonizing, and I end up feeling like Sally Fields must have felt during the Oscar voting period weeks before her famous speech, "You like me! You really like me!", wondering if anyone did.
It's pitiful, I know. We're a neurotic bunch.
So, even before my cover is unveiled I'm beginning to fret over upcoming reviews and sales. And as my calendar begins to fill in with speaking engagements and signings, I long to race back to my literary womb--my office--and six-finger-peck away on a new project. But first things first.
If you live in central Maryland, stop by the Mount Airy Library on Monday, September 14th at 7:00 p.m. I'll be speaking there as part of Mount Airy's "History 101" series of presentations. I'd love to chat with you afterwards, and for anyone interested, I'll be selling and signing books that night as well.
I'll then be flying off to Ohio on September 19th to the Western Reserve Writers' Conference at Lakeland Community College in Kirtland, Ohio. I'll be conducting a mini-class on writing historical fiction. There are still slots open for people who'd enjoy attending, and I'd love to meet readers.
Expecting an October release date for Dawn's Early Light, that month will be filled with signings and a launch party at This is the Place bookstore in Kensington, Maryland. More details will follow as the release date draws near. I also plan to head to Utah to attend book club meetings and signings as soon as Dawn's Early Light hits the shelves.
In November I'm planning a trip to the Raleigh/Durham area for a signing party and a few speaking events. We're still setting those dates and times up so check back.
If your book club plans to read any of my books this fall, please let me know. If I can fit a visit to your club into my schedule, I'd love to come by and chat. Email me at lclewis2007@gmail.com.
I'll be hosting online giveaways and contests as well. I plan to post three chapters of Dawn's Early Light on my web site in a few weeks, so watch for that as well.
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