With Thanksgiving upon us, we're hosting two overlapping giveaways this week--our regular weekly contest, as well as our offering in the 182-blog Gratitude Giveaway being hosted by the "I AM A READER NOT A WRITER," blog. Click this beautiful button to enter that contest.
But let's talk about this week's "Getting to Know the Characters," contest. This week the spotlight is on one of my very favorite

In volume one, Arthur discovers that his good life and education have been paid for by his father's unscrupulous business dealings and political machinations, including a murderous plot involving British soldiers fighting in America. Seeking to restore some honor to his family name, Arthur secure a post in the military, placing him at the scene some of the most heinous events of the War of 1812.
The most personally gruelling situation occurs when Arthur attempts to foil his father's murderous plot against the American Pearson family. In volume two, while scouting the Pearson's Willows plantation, Arthur is captured by Frannie Pearson, and worlds collide as the two staunch opponents struggle to deny the attraction they each feel.
The tension between Arthur and Frannie climaxes in the aftermath of the burning of Washington, requiring each of them to make a sacrifice more agonizing than the war itself asked. It is this dilemma that endeared Arthur to me. I think readers will walk away loving him as well.
So here is this week's question:
What have you sacrificed for love? It can be romantic love, parental love, sibling love or the love of a friend. Everyone has a story.
Now enter! This week's winner may choose any volume of the Free Men and Dreamers series, or “You Don’t Need to Slay My Dragons, Just Take Out the Trash. What Men Want Women to Know. What Women Wish Men Understood,” by Beverly Campbell.
And here's how! (You must already be, or now become a follower of this blog to enter.)
1. Share an experience and get one entry.
2. Post the book trailer on your facebook page and get a second entry.
3. Post this invitation and link on your facebook pages for a third entry: "Preview the first five chapters of "Oh, Say Can You See?" " http://www.laurielclewis.com/events.html
4. Join this blog or become a GFC follower for a fourth.
Each entry must post individually to be counted. I think this week's answers are going to be fantastic!
What have I sacrificed for love ? Through the years there may have been some things. I have 7 grown children and basically raised them alone.I hadn't intended to be a single parent, especially to 7 children. :)After 2 failed marriages I guess if there were sacrifices they just naturally occurred because my entire mind set was to raise my children and trying to love them enough for 2 parents and never want for anything when it came to emotional need. Some have said I sacrificed everything and others know I never sacrificed anything I didn't want to. I did it all because they were my children and I loved them. I won't lie though I think sometimes I sacrificed my sanity when 3 or more were sick at the same time. lol lol
ReplyDeleteCarol L.